Fundraising platform
Customer evaluation of donation platforms
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Under Kevlaret is a place where guys can talk about things that are difficult
10 February, 2023
Six questions for Mauri Liebendörfer, who runs Under Kevlaret.
Mother's Day campaign against sexual violence
27 May, 2021
We asked a few short questions to Saga Åkerman, who is in charge of fundraising at Storasyster.
Filippa at the Wildhood Foundation is comparing different donation platforms
13 January, 2021
Filippa Tarras-Wahlberg, representing the Wildhood Foundation, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of four potential suppliers, including Octany, Nets Easy, Donorbox, and Kindful. Her research led to the selection of Octany as the preferred platform.
Fundraising Gala for Children with Måns Zemmerlöv
7 September, 2020
We are incredibly happy about the work that the ZB Foundation is doing, and that they have chosen Octany as their provider for receiving and internally managing monthly donors.